Youth sense-making following the death of FreddyGray
Interviewed 38 Baltimore youth and 22
parents, teachers, administrators, and city
“I was called everything but a student”
article published
Funded by: JHUCSOS; A Better Tomorrow
Researchers for many decades have realized that it is not only what happens in the school that impacts academic performance, but what happens within the community. This page is dedicated to highlighting places in the city where youth engage with the community. These spaces promote self-expression, social justice, joy, belonging, and overall well-being.
Youth sense-making following the death of FreddyGray
Interviewed 38 Baltimore youth and 22
parents, teachers, administrators, and city
“I was called everything but a student”
article published
Funded by: JHUCSOS; A Better Tomorrow
Youth and family experiences in Baltimore schools and communities
Interviewed 133 Baltimore youth and 54 family members
“Bearing Strange Fruit” report published
Funded by: Catalyst Award, Spencer
Foundation, Healing & Transformative
Justice Fund, Baltimore Com
Consensus-building with school communities for social/emotional development of the whole child
Reducing transportation barriers to school connectedness
Explore U.S. students’ use of public transportation to getto-and-from school. Identify opportunities for community, local,
and state leaders to work together to ensure
equity and safe school transportation.
Funded by: Nexus Award